Monday, February 25, 2008

Entry for February 25, 2008

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yfla.wrap("This multimedia content requires Flash version 9 and above.", "Upgrade Now.", "http:\/\/\/shockwave\/download\/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash", " Nghe nh\u1ea1c Jack Johnson th\u1eadt tr\u1ec5 n\u1ea3i, c\u00f3 c\u1ea3m gi\u00e1c nh\u01b0 \u0111ang ng\u1ed3i trong m\u1ed9t c\u0103n nh\u00e0 nh\u1ecf tr\u00ean n\u00fai ho\u1eb7c l\u00e0 nh\u00ecn ra bi\u1ec3n, c\u00f3 c\u1eeda s\u1ed5 r\u1ed9ng v\u00e0 l\u00f2 s\u01b0\u1edfi l\u00e1ch t\u00e1ch. Ho\u1eb7c m\u1ed9t bu\u1ed5i s\u00e1ng nh\u1ea5m nh\u00e1p t\u00e1ch tr\u00e0 nh\u00ecn ra v\u01b0\u1eddn cam tr\u01b0\u1edbc c\u1eeda.

And so I will cook all your books
You're too good looking and mistaken
You could watch it instead
From the comfort of your burning beds
\u2026Or you can sleep through the static

Who needs sleep when we've got love?
Who needs keys when we've got clubs?
Who needs please when we've got guns?
Who needs peace when we've gone above
But beyond where we should have gone?
We went beyond where we should have gone

Jack Johnson v\u1ed1n l\u00e0 v\u1eadn \u0111\u1ed9ng vi\u00ean l\u01b0\u1edbt s\u00f3ng chuy\u00ean nghi\u1ec7p tr\u01b0\u1edbc khi m\u1ed9t tai n\u1ea1n khi\u1ebfn anh chuy\u1ec3n sang l\u0129nh v\u1ef1c \u00e2m nh\u1ea1c. Album n\u00e0y c\u1ee7a Jack Johnson kh\u00f4ng \u0111a d\u1ea1ng v\u00e0 \u00e1m \u1ea3nh nh\u01b0 In the Between Dreams, album hay nh\u1ea5t c\u1ee7a Jack Johnson t\u1edbi nay, m\u00e0 nh\u1eb9 nh\u00e0ng, thong th\u1ea3, b\u00ecnh y\u00ean, nh\u01b0 l\u1eddi chuy\u1ec7n tr\u00f2 c\u1ee7a m\u1ed9t ng\u01b0\u1eddi b\u1ea1n m\u00e0 ta tin c\u1eady v\u00e0 y\u00eau qu\u00fd.

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  1. Biết anh chàng này từ Sitting, waiting, wishing, và đã không thất vọng từ đó :))

  2. yeah, nghe JJ nhớ tới những buổi đi cắm trại thời trung học... nghe JJ hát mà như nghe một người bạn ngồi cạnh mình gãy đàn hát cho mình nghe nghe hoài không thấy chán...
