A sweet and touching but believable romance with Leon Lai (Le^ Minh) and Maggie Chung (Truong Man Ngoc). A romance when people who had different dreams and goals meet each other and realize that there is something else besides their dreams. And love might not be what you thought, friendship not what you assumed.
Indeed, it's more than a love story which reveals the life and aspirations for a better life of the immigrants. As someone in the movie said: Hong Kong is the dream of the mainlanders but the dreams of the people in Hong Kong are Canada or US (well, the story happened before 1997). Ironically, one of the characters died in New York.
This movie also reminds me of "In the mood for love": slow pace, dark cinematography, beautiful music and great acting by Maggie Chung, certainly one of the few best Chinese actresses, (perhaps the only comparable one is Cu?ng Lo*.i).
Cái fim nay nghe quen quen, co khi em cung duoc xem roi. Anh Linh co biet ten tieng Viet cua no la gi khong? Anyway, motif nay cung over exploited nhi? Hoi truoc co cai fim Nguoi Bac Kinh o NY hay da.i loa.i nhu* the, co 1 doi vo chong Tàu o Chinese, xong roi bo? nhau, di theo Tay.
ReplyDeleteAnh khong biet ten tieng Viet phim nay la gi. Phim nay cung noi tieng o Hong Kong phet, duoc kha nhieu giai thuong phim cua Hong Kong cach day chac 7-8 nam.
ReplyDeleteNoi dung phim nay thi khong hoan toan the ma la ke ve mot anh chang Trung Hoa dai luc (Leon Lai) di cu sang Hong Kong, voi mong muon kiem duoc tien de don nguoi yeu sang cung. Tai day, anh ta quen voi mot co gai cung dan dai luc sang kiem an (Maggie Chung) va hai nguoi nay la best friends cua nhau nhung ho cung co intimate relationship voi nhau. Sau nay hai nguoi do di theo nhung con duong khac nhau nhu mo* uoc ban dau cua ho (anh chang thi muon lam chef va don nguoi yeu sang, co gai thi muon giau co) nhung roi moi nhan ra tinh cam cua ho voi nhau khong thuan tuy la tinh ban, cung khong chi la erotic friendship.... Roi ca hai nguoi khong hen nhau nhung cung sang My. Dai khai the. :D